Wednesday, 21 March 2018

21st March 2018

Here I am, again. I am ready for starting a new Challenge with my students. I have prepared a Mission Challenge with the following steps:
Help at school
Prepare a poster for the Nursing with at least 5 tips of advices for feeling better.
To accomplish this mission successfully and earn a badge you will make a poster for the cafeteria and Nursing at your school. And then, prepare a presentation in keynote app about the advices given in your poster.

  1. Search in the Internet for information about:
Healthy food and advice for eating it at school.

Advices for having a better health at school and at home.
Illnesses and advices for feeling better.( included pages by teacher) 

  1. Use the Padlet given by your teacher in Showbie. Work in your group the activities offered by your teacher, if you have questions don’t hesitate ask her. Use the roles of the collaborative groups: speaker....
  1. Explain how you do when you feel ill ( in your presentation), advices from doctors, your relatives.
  2. Prepare a 5 minutes video of all the advices for an extra badge. The best one will be uploaded to the school Facebook page ( one per class)
your posters can help others to feel better taking your advices when they are ill.
you will learn more vocabulary about illnesses, healthy food.

During this mission you will...
✏️ prepare a poster for your school
✏️learn more vocabulary about healthy food and illnesses 
✏️show other students the illnesses and advices for feeling better

✏️share with other students the advices given in the posters.

This is the link for my students with the presentation done in

I will share my work with my partner in my school.
Our students are in 7th grade ( 1st ESO), in the English language subject.
When we finish the challenge I will add our results here, in my Learning Journal.

Friday, 16 March 2018

5th Week

Reflections on the ENTIRE COURSE in my Learning Journal ( The Goal Minded Teacher: Challenges to Transform Student Learning - 1st edition)MOOC-INTEF

create a second new entry.
In the second entry I will review all my work throughout this course and reflect on what I learned during my learning journey throughout the course.
The post should answer the following questions:
    • What was your favourite assignment? 
✅I have to say that it is really very difficult to decide what is my favourite assigment I have been asked to work on, because I liked and enjoyed all of them. 
✅Reflections are a very good idea to do when you are teaching. You can see your whole work in a distance and realize the huge efforts you are doing for improving your knowledge, learning and teaching.
✅The Facebook group has been a wonderful group where everybody shared their final products, their clever Challenges. We could learn a lot. 
Thanks to everybody!

    • Which unit do you feel helped you grow the most? 
✅🕵️‍♀️To find a peer to work on  in a collaborative project. But I was really lucky, there was a partner who wanted to work and learn together with me (Colombia and Spain in a collaborative project called Minerals around the World). It was interesting to work together, think about a theme to be shared by two subjects completely different ( in a first glance), Chemistry and Geography, but it was not impossible. We connected the subjects through minerals and countries.
link to the Google Drive document with the project itself
Link to the Collaborative Blog done for the project
    • Which parts of the course were the most challenging? 

✅Using Buncee presentations was a great discovery for me. I love it. I will continue doing some of my presentations in Buncee. Interacting with students will be great!
✅Preparing badges for my students to motivate them. The idea of giving them a badge for recognizing their successes and advances is great, as well. I am on my way doing that, NOW, in my classes. I included them in their progresses, advances.
Some of my students have already earnt the Good Helper Badge, and they are so proud they are telling everybody they have got ONE. They will receive a prize if they collect 3. Lot of enthusiasm in my classes.

Thanks to everybody!
    • How has participating in this course helped you become a better teacher and learner? 
I have learnt...

  1. 💡⚙️✏️Technology must be used with students in classroom using Challenges, giving them virtual Badges, connecting them to other students from other countries, involved them in collaborative projects.
  2. 💡⚙️✏️Parents should know what their children are doing when they are using the Internet, social media,...
  3. 💡⚙️✏️To be open minded as a TEACHER, eager to learn new things,  have collaborative experiences, To share ideas with others. You can realize that all teachers around the world are facing on the same or similar problems,difficulties as yours. Together we can be stronger. 
Some years ago, I was involved in two European Proyects among teachers. That was a great experience for me, I learnt many things about teaching.
Now, it is time for my students to be connected with others, learn, share knowledge from other different students in different countries. At least, I will try it!

Thanks to Shelly Sanchez Terrell, Fabiana Casella for your comments when participating in this  course. Great Job! 
Teacher’s in the Facebook group... you are great 👍🏻. Follow doing the best of yourself. Thanks for sharing your works there! 

5th Week. Challenge Lesson Plan in collaboration with a partner.

Reflections on this unit’s challenges.

In my learning journal, I create a new entry. I will reflect on what I learned from completing this unit’s challenges and the exchanges with other participants.  
The post should answer the following questions:
    • What was your global collaboration project?
Here is the link for the details of the whole project using Google Drive.

Welcome to the project  MINERALS AROUND THE WORLD
Hosted by Ms. Coromoto López Rocha and Mr. Jorge Alberto Aguirre Reyes

The Minerals around the World Project encourages the development of reading, speaking and writing skills while integrating technology and collaboration into the classroom and among students from different countries. Using minerals as a vehicle and countries around the world, students exchange written descriptions via blogger, and will travel around the continents to find where those minerals are found.  During the project, students create, discuss, describe, interpret, analyze, organize and assess their minerals as well as the countries where they can find each of them.
Activity title: Minerals around the World.

Brief description of the collaborative activity:

CHEMISTRY (in Spanish) AND GEOGRAPHY(in English)
Prepare a list of minerals for studying in the classroom,  slides with photos of mineral, characteristics in details of the minerals,  ( written in English and Spanish), slides with information and photos where you can find each mineral around the world, description and information of the country where those minerals are found. Presentations in groups divided in the numbers of 6 continents and grouped the minerals in each continent. How each mineral is exploited or overexploited in the continent and country it is found. Prepare an Imovie (a film) per group. By scheduling and using Skype ( video conference) students will show their works and will share their final projects in the blog that teacher’s have prepared in advance:
Teachers involved: Ms. Coromoto López Rocha and Mr. Jorge Alberto Aguirre Reyes

Description of the classes and students involved:
 In Spain: 7th level(1st ESO in Spain)14th years old students, in a bilingual school, Geography ( in
English) subject.
In Colombia: 10th level, 16th years old students, in a Spanish school, Chemistry subject.

Duration: a month ( 3 sessions per week) connection among students as a group by Skype, once per week, if necessary. 
1. Shared knowledge among teachers and students about minerals around the world, countries where
those minerals are found, and continents.
2. Teachers help students listen to diverse opinions, support knowledge claims with evidence, engage in critical and creative thinking, and participate in open and meaningful dialogue.
3. Teacher helps students connect new information to their experiences and to learning in other areas, helps students figure out what to do when they are stumped, and helps them learn how to learn.
4. Creation of a Blog and a Diary of Sessions for the personal portfolio of the students.
    • What did planning a global collaboration project with a peer in this course teach you?
Setting up a collaborative project will require asynchronous and synchronous communication. Synchronous communication involves real-time communication. You will need to schedule a time zone friendly date and time to meet.
The world is global and with digital technologies we are connecting with others worldwide. Therefore, our students need to develop important skills in collaborating and problem solving with peers worldwide.
When you begin a new project online and invite teachers and their students to participate, you begin to widen your perspective. You see what other teachers are doing in their classrooms. Your students get to learn about new cultures and traditions, to manage technology, share with others ideas, listen to them.
Connecting with a class in another country can be tricky. And you can find many stones on the way, but everything has a solution. And we, as teachers have to encourage the situations and solve all the difficulties and problems, find appropriate activities, be sure everything is right with connections, apps, iPads, computers, The Internet, fix groups of students, teachers, meetings...

 Planning a global collaboration project with a peer in this course taught me that  the most important thing we have to take into account when you are ready for being involved in it is....TIME. You need to have time for finding the appropriate partner who can be eager to work with you. Then, you need time for planning the global collaboration project.
But when you know it will enrich your teaching, your students will learn from others many do not worry about time. 
I love teaching, I love what I do everyday in my live, I love and respect my students. 
5th Week. Lesson plan. Unit 5. Teaching as a Collaborative Process

Plan a lesson with one of your peers

The aim of this activity is to get you started collaborating with another teacher on an activity both of your set of students can accomplish.
At this point we only want you to plan the activity with another teacher online in the hopes that you are able to get your students to complete the activity at a later date. The activity you plan with another teacher/teachers should focus on getting students to collaborate with peers at a different school. 
To complete this challenge, follow these instructions:
    • Choose a peer from this course or from a social network to plan a collaborative activity in which students work together to complete a task or project.
    • Create a Wiki page, website, or Google Doc detailing the collaborative activity you want both sets of students to complete.
    • Feel free to use this template to plan the activity.
    • You will also want to video conference, use a messaging app, or use a Google Doc to plan the activity with your colleague. Students should be able to accomplish the activity within 1 to 3 days. You can plan for a longer collaborative project once you understand the process.
    • Provide detailed instructions for students on how to register for the platform if necessary and what they must do to accomplish the task.
    • Embed or provide a link to the collaborative web tool students will use and provide tutorials on how to use the web tool in case students need help. 
This is the link of the created Blog for the proyect
This is the link for the Google Drive document . Here you will see all details of the collaborative project.

Welcome to the project MINERALS AROUND THE WORLD
Hosted by Ms. Coromoto López Rocha and Mr. Jorge Alberto Aguirre Reyes(Spain and Colombia). 

The Minerals around the World Project encourages the development of reading, speaking and writing skills while integrating technology and collaboration into the classroom and among students from different countries. Using minerals as a vehicle and countries around the world, students exchange written descriptions via blogger, and will travel around the continents to find where those minerals are found. During the project, students create, discuss, describe, interpret, analyze, organize and assess their minerals as well as the countries where they can find each of them.
For more details of the lesson plan we created a collaborative Blog
Hope you find interesting.

Sunday, 11 March 2018

4th Week, Reflections. Unit 4. Classroom Management 
Reflections on this unit’s challenges in my Learning  journal

In my learning journal, I create a new entry to reflect on what I learned from completing this unit’s challenges and the exchanges with other participants.  
The post will answer the following questions:

•✅ What is in your teacher survival kit?
In the Mooc course we have seen, read, listened some quite interesting links. I would like to mention the following:
Terrell, S. (2015). Goal: Build a Teacher Survival Kit. Retrieved from Teacher Reboot Camp,
I prepared my Teacher survival kit using ThingLink, an app very visual, interactive where I included all my things in my bag 💼.
This is my link..., I shared it in the  Facebook group, with some comments from my partners giving me their opinions...

My real teacher survival kit. 
We all have the basic supply list of pens, paper DINA4, paper different colours, paper clips, 
staplers, etc... but those items are not the “supplies” I need to start gathering. I am referring 
to the special teacher supply list need to survive the school year. During all 
these years of  I have come to realize that my second home is my classroom. As much as I hate to admit it, I have discovered many times the need for items on my list and couldn't have survived those after school meetings, parent/student meetings or all other after school functions without these supplies. They are really that vital.


📝 How will your teacher survival kit help me  better manage my classroom?

I'm one of those teachers who always carry backpacks filled with everything from my IPad,

books, dossiers, files, to clay and stickers. Like most of us, that's because I always have 2 or more plans up my sleeve, in mind before going  into my classroom.
  • And of course, a lot of imagination, patience and a lot of enthusiasm, be positive when you are a teacher.

    ✅📝How will creating a resource hub for parents help you engage parents so that students behave better online and in 

    your classroom? 
    Teachers can avoid a lot of stress by making connections with all parents at the 

    beginning of the school year.. The first step is to send all parents a positive message letting them know how excited you are about 
    teaching their son or daughter. This way the first communication isn’t negative. 
    Parents also need to know right away how to track their child’s progress regularly and how to contact you if problems do arise. Engaging parents is a 
    challenge, but technology helps us communicate with parents regularly and quickly.  
    We also shared and discussed about all these points in the Tweeter chat...

    I prepared the Challenge unit 4 using the Buncee app, very interactive presentation for parents in our school about Digital safety, citizenship and learning resource.
    The link of my Buncee presentation is the following...
    I included this information in my presentation for clarification and intentions when preparing it...

    I am a teacher of 13-years old students  who study in a bilingual school in Tenerife. We are using the iPads in the classroom and using new technologies for teaching. We connect to The Internet for doing projects. Security is our priority for our students. We are working on it everyday. Parents can help us in that task. Many parents do not know how to do that so we have prepared a digitial presentation in Buncee for parents with different tips to take into account for  helping their  children  to protect themselves when using digital devices or using Internet.

    The following links will help you learn more about using technology to help you build successful partnerships with parents:

    👍🏻Ferlazzo, L. (2009). Parent Involvement or Parent Engagement? Retrieved from
    👍🏻Truss, D. (2012). Education in the Digital Age: A Reorientation for Parents. Retrieved from 
    👍🏻Terrell, S. S. (2011). Tips for Engaging Parents this School Year. Retrieved from 

Friday, 9 March 2018

4th Week, 2nd Challenge

Design a digital safety, citizenship, and learning resource for parents

The aim of this activity is to create a resource, website, or presentation for the parents of your students for them to understand how to help their children become better digital learners and citizens.
I have decided to prepare a digital presentation using Buncee to share with parents on how to help my students use technology in safe ways.

  • My resource  contains information that is age appropriate and relevant for the students I teach. I am a teacher of 13-years old students in a bilingual school.
  • My resource  contains multimedia and visuals.
  • I might want to add a translation bar (you can do this in PBWorks) or other translation help for parents with limited English. Even I included a video with subtitles in Spanish. I also included a bottom for copy and paste the text in English for translate it into Spanish 
Here you can visit my presentation. 

Teachers can avoid a lot of stress by making connections with all parents at the beginning of the semester. The first step is to send all parents a positive message letting them know how excited you are about teaching their son or daughter. This way the first communication isn’t negative. Parents also need to know right away how to track their child’s progress regularly and how to contact you if problems do arise. Engaging parents is a challenge, but technology helps us communicate with parents regularly and quickly.  
When we’re involving parents, schools tend to focus on supporting students by strengthening and assisting school programs and priorities. When we’re engaging parents, schools support students by developing parent relationships. Most studies have shown that just about any kind of increased connection between schools and parents is beneficial for the student.  Parent engagement is better, and offers opportunities for transformational beneficial change – for the school, for the community, for the family and for the student, mainly. 

Learning intentions with this digital, citizenship,learning resource: 
  • Examine children’s use of technology
  • Increase awareness of the potential challenges around technology use
  • Learn practical, proactive parenting strategies to maintain connections with children using the media they are using.
  • Learn how to guide children in appropriate and safe interactions on the Internet.
  • Find support and resources to better understand these issues.

Children can have a hard time understanding that the Internet is an anonymous environment where people aren’t always who they say they are. We call this stranger danger.
Many parents don’t feel that their children are at risk online. But there are adults who pose as children to gain the trust and learn personal information about real children.
Just as you would teach them to avoid talking to a stranger on the street, it is important to make children aware of Internet stranger danger.
Luckily, there are privacy settings that can help your child stay safe online. Taking time to create privacy settings and unique passwords can help children maximize the internet while minimizing the risk.

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

4th Week, 1st Challenge...My Teacher survival kit

My backpack which is actually more or less the same as the one on the picture I uploaded in the ThingLink presentation . It's durable, waterproof and has been a faithful companion in all my teaching years.
Notebooks & books for obvious reasons. When notebooks are too big to fit in my -already packed- bag, I go for post-it notes, white papers.
Pens, pencils, highlighters and art supplies for projects, crafts and lots of creative things, inventions.
Plans A, B, C, D or no plan at all because our classes are lively organisms who function in their own ways so I never stick to one plan only, I like to change from one year to another.
     Web tools & technology because I love tech-creating and seeing my students experiment with technology, new apps which help me for my classes, and help students in their learning.
Stickers and rewards because of the proud smiles on their faces/
Extra activities for early finishers or elaboration activities on existing book tasks.
A big smile ALWAYS in my classes and a passion, enthusiasm for teaching!

Saturday, 3 March 2018

3rd Week Challenges 
Unit 3. Effective Technology Integration.

Reflections on this unit’s challenges in my learning  journal

During this third week full of more extra information about digital theories, useful and interesting material we have read about digital footprint of students and adults when they are in a social media, tested, learnt, watched, looked at, shared to/with others in Facebook or Tweeter. 
In my journal, I have created a new entry to reflect on what I learned from completing this unit’s challenges and the exchanges with other participants.  Effective use of technology for me is defined by ‘technology allowing us to do things that were not possible before. Take the practice of assessment for learning. Typically, a state school with 28 students in a class, the teacher is not able to gauge the level of understanding from each and every student, so the age old practice of ‘put your hands up’ or ‘green card/red card’ is used. With our new found app economy teachers were able to discover apps that allowed students to respond to questions immediately with an instant (this being key) graphical feedback to the teacher of which students have answered correctly, incorrectly or not answered at all. This would allow a good teacher to take measure the impact of their learning more accurately.

    • How will you adapt your curriculum according to one or more of the digital learning theories?
  • I have discovered the Connectivism theory and some others (RAT, BLOOM...) in detail. There is a moment I realize I am adapting my curriculum accordingly the
  •  courses online I am doing, finishing or interested. The time you have left, after working, home, children and hobbies, is the time enough for doing and prepare challenges on line, doing courses online such as MOOCS, NOOCS, SPOOCS and similar ones.I will be able to gain an understanding of what skills our learners need to collaborate, problem solve, think critically, research, and present in their fields. I will also be able to understand what experiences with my use of technology can aid me in integrating technology into my curriculum successfully.

    • How will teaching students about their digital footprint benefit them?
In a digital world and information-sharing age, it can sometimes be hard to understand where privacy ends and what the real risks are. Everyone cares about their reputation, but many students don’t know that what they do online can impact their digital footprint, permanently. They have to learn about that, and parents and educators are also in charge of doing that.
We have all heard about and worry about our children / students dealing with Internet issues such as online stalkers, cyberbullying, pornography sites etc.  I worry about it!  BUT, I also think the Internet is GREAT and that there are lots of interesting ways to learn online.

I am not recommending that we don’t teach about the dangers of cyberbullying and online stalkers but we should also be teaching about the BENEFITS of the Internet.
The advantages of a digital footprint and how to increase your digital footprint should be a major teaching focus so that students can see the benefits of acting responsibly online.
A digital footprint is the trail of information we leave behind while using digital technology. We create these footprints by using the Internet, social media, credit cards, loyalty cards, GPS systems, etc. Third parties (like card issuers, advertisers, and law enforcement) can get access to this data in order to piece together our identity and use it in some way.
It’s easy to look at the negative aspects of a digital footprint, but there are in fact some positives as well. More than ever, our lives are intertwined with digital technology and the best thing we can do is to remain aware and educated.
Here are some ways to protect your digital footprint:
  • Delete all tracking cookies and browsing history from your computer regularly
  • Review security settings on social networks and stay updated on new features and settings
  • Make sure to use the latest version of your Internet browser. Internet Explorer 10 has extra built-in security.
  • Choose safe and secure passwords that are unique to Each login and be sure to change them regularly.
  • Use cash instead of credit cards
  • Opt out of providing personally identifiable information (
  • e.g. you may not be required by law to provide your telephone number when making a purchase)
  • Remember that anything posted is public (even if your social network settings are private) as the information is stored on a server network

Along this third week we did a mind map about a digital learning theory. This was mine...about Connectivism.

I did a survey students about their digital footprint (children/students from 8 to 15 years old)...

The aim of this activity is to gain a deeper understanding of our students’ digital activities. I  collected the responses of 10 students between the ages of 8 to 15 about their digital footprints. If you have a Google account, then you can copy and edit this Digital Footprint Survey template with some questions included. Or create your own one, to arrive to your conclusions. 
Parents  are more concerned about their children’s use of social media services than any other online activity. And also educators. Children are receiving from their parents more advice and information about how to use the Internet and all the social media communications such as WhatsApp, and other similar ones.
Remember, our digital footprint is there for the world to see it, think twice before posting anything — either as parents or 
kids or educators. 

Next week more Challenges...